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JayQ The Legend "Be Mine"

August 25, 2021

The Be Mine music video is a classic romantic short film with a twist. Director Miriam Bavly and Cinematographer Paul Winters takes you on an epic adventure on location in Apache Junction, Arizona. Get your popcorn, gather a few friends “setback” and enjoy the old west legend of JayQ The Legend rescuing all the flowers with the help of his native Apache brother.

@jayqthelegend all platforms (everywhere).

Location: Apache Junction, Arizona USA
Liner notes:
Director and Producer: Miriam Bavly
Videographer: Paul Winters
Horse handler & trainer: Jeff Gravely.
Associate Producer: Joshua “J-Tweezy” Bursh.
Location: Apache Junction, Arizona.
Native American Talent: Co-starring Victorio Pope (Western Apache Tribe).
Caterer: Patty Winters.
Costumes and wardrobe: Gary Emmons.
Assistant to JayQ The Legend: Tia “Trixie” Carr
Assistant to Director Bavly: Cole Pardon
Music Producers: Darius “15Hunnit Boy” Samuel (BMI), AND Jared Oluwa (ASCAP), Peter John (BMI).
Song Writers: Joelle James (ASCAP), Peter John (BMI).

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