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January 20, 2025

Raised in Ukraine, Eduard Shyfrin was classically trained on piano before becoming an award-winning mathematician, physicist, and businessman. A crisis led him to begin a search for meaning and purpose, and to research and write the Amazon bestseller ‘From Infinity to Man: The Fundamental Ideas of Kabbalah Within the Framework of Information Theory and Quantum Physics’.

But Eduard’s passion for music never left him, and his musicianship and profound life experience have now led to his debut album, Shyfrin Alliance. This intoxicating mix of rock, blues and romantic balladry brims with messages of unconditional love and antiwar – and the effortlessly rich voice of this singular talent.



Following Shyfrin Alliance’s critically acclaimed debut single ‘Whiskey Blues’, Shyfrin Alliance sweeps to a soothing, gentle, charming 1920s-esque ballad style in ‘Unconditional’.

Composed and produced by Shyfrin, the single is a whirling harmony of horns, blues-inspired drums, strings, guitars and shimmering keys slipping beneath. One of those tunes you can expect to be played in old-school jazz bars or as the “couples dance song” at the Blackpool Tower Ballroom during the 1930s.

Smiling faces twirling about in a warm haze of romance and enchantment…‘Unconditional’ is as vulnerable and haunting as it is hypnotically comforting. The interplay between Lizzy Parks’ honey vocals and Shyfrin’s eclectic growl, each note is skin-tingling but with a fuzzy warmth oozing from the rich duet.

While Shyfrin Alliance has a way with a melody, particularly the sensual horn leading out in ‘Unconditional’, the lyricism is as significant as the tune. Shyfrin explains that his cabaret-infused ‘Unconditional’ is about “the nature of love…love can kill, and love can heal…” Inspired by his love for his grandmothers, Shyfrin notes: “…my soul went to the apartment where I grew up, 60-something years ago. I had a fantastic feeling of warmth and happiness. It was a happy place where I was loved conditionally…”