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ID & OPE BELLO – I praise You | Download @IdOpeBello

April 26, 2017

“I praise You” by ID & Ope Bello is a song set to put people in a realm to praise God for all He has been and done for them, and to charge people of the truth that God is faithful to do all that He said He would do, in His time.

ID & Ope Bello are Gospel artist duo of dual citizenship of Nigeria and Finland, who have been praise and worship leaders individually from their early ages and still continue to use their great musical talents together as a couple. Their passion is to see lives change through encounters with God’s presence through their music and ministrations, that is exactly what they have been witnessing.

For many years, they have been organizing concerts and ministering in various churches and events, both in Nigeria and abroad, and they have seen the power of the Holy Spirit transformed lives each time. Beyond, their anointed talents, they acknowledge God as the reason behind all these great happenings around their music ministry.

Their first single “Your Love” brought joy and hope to thousands of people. “I Praise You” is the second and will surely bless your soul.

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