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You are worthy Jesus

October 27, 2020

“You’re worthy Jesus” is a beautiful gospel classic with harmony that will grab you from the very first note and transport you into angelic atmosphere and as the tune progresses you will find all your anxiety relieved.
Song Title: You’re worthy Jesus
UPC: 859742815676
ISRC: TCAFD2042712
Main Artists: BJ Sam
Featured artists: Maggie Scott🇺🇸, Jessie Eilers🇦🇺, Paul Mirfin🇬🇧, Catarina Rosa🇧🇷, Zac Koo🇭🇰, Rutty Rock🇪🇸, Glasmusik🇩🇪, Adaora🇺🇸🇳🇬, Wayne Ip🇰🇷, Akubai🇨🇲, Kenny Bizzoh🇰🇪, Nadine Delyfer🇱🇧, Krishna Priya🇮🇳, Richy Gold 🇳🇬, Marcello Ghio & TGV Choir🇮🇹
Genre: Gospel, international
Guitar: Anny Guitar,
Drums: Wang Evan
Songwriter: BJ Sam
Saxophone: Adeniyi Allen Taylor
Producer: BJ Sam, Marcello Ghio, Julio Djek, Luka Guindo
Arranger: BJ Sam
Release Date: 25/10/2020

Video Credits:
Video Editor: Marcello Ghio 🇮🇹
Project Supervisor Marcello Ghio 🇮🇹
Video Directors: Truecam Media, Dibato Films,