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Zack King – What's on your Mind? (Official Video)

October 12, 2022

Listen to Zack King – What’s on your Mind?

The new music video for rising pop-rock singer-songwriter, Zack King. After reaching over 150k streams in a month for his new single, Zack decided to record a short cinematic film for this single.

“Everyone’s going on about these summer flings and falling in love, but what about those people that are leading you on? “What’s on your Mind?” describes the tragic feeling of falling for someone only for them to rip your heart out.

That person always seems to be playing you like a puppet, by pulling on your heartstrings and making you second-guess your every move. All you want them to do is leave, or tell you they are in it for the long haul. Eventually, you realize it’s best to move on to someone new. This new pop-punk/rock song drew influences from All Time Low, Blink 182, and Machine Gun Kelly.”