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Fresh Da Zoe "Voodoo Flow" (Music Video)

March 1, 2022

About Fresh Da Zoe
Bringing Caribbean roots to mainstream hip-hop, Fresh Da Zoe is forging his own rhyme and rap flow that’s new to the scene. Raised in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, he developed a tough exterior that gives him a unique edge in lyrical storytelling. Fresh Da Zoe is precise, confrontative, and honest as he masterfully mixes trap with the flavors of the south. He’s pulling in audiences from all stretches of the globe, and with the recent success of his track “No Sleep,” he’s hungry for more. Driven by his instinctual need to strive for greatness, Fresh Da Zoe is here to leave an impression.

After you cook up a track that rakes in over a hundred thousand streams, there’s immense pressure to live up to the growing hype. For Fresh Da Zoe, the success of “No Sleep” is simply the launching pad for bigger, bolder projects that show off his creative genius. A larger fan base means there’s no room for disappointment, but the rapper is here to prove a point: he’s ready to shape the next generation of rap.

About the video
In his latest track, “Voodoo Flow,” Fresh Da Zoe is cool and collected, with precision hitting bars that speak directly to those praying on his downfall. His otherworldly ability to navigate the gritty beat with lyrical impact truly sets him apart. The music video follows the darker moodiness of the lyrics with cult-like visuals of the artist performing alongside a ritualistic fire. The artist brings together elements of creativity and raunchiness for a hypnotizing video.