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K-I’DE “I APPRECIATE YOU” (Official Music Video)

March 18, 2024

K-I’DE is an energetic, self-motivated professional who has spent his whole life embracing the culture and love of the music business. He joined the entertainment scene at an early age and has proven himself to be provocative, deeply personal and filled with upbeat humor, while sharing profound statements.

The fact that his CD’s, merchandise, and music services are “Still Sellin” is a testament to that fact that he is still moving ahead, still doing what he loves – making music and connecting with his listeners.

Kickin” It Daily Everyway (aka K-I’DE) represents a self-actualization of what his life, or our lives, is predominately about. Getting through, day by day, but continuing to keep the right attitude as we go and letting this positive attitude spill over into our jobs, personal lives, hobbies, fantasies, etc..

From producing and publishing his own CD’s, to making videos, to performing across the country, K-I’DE is an artist that has done a little bit of everything to get his career rolling. From Annual Billboard Contests to UNIsong, he has made a name for himself and received multiple awards for his work. His lyrics continue to be compelling and primal. His message hits home with an articulate delivery. Humor, beats, and smooth style vibing with a sound message blend perfectly, intriguing and entertaining the listener.

K-I’DE has a desire to use his music to be a role model for young people, to show love and guidance to people who need help dealing with everyday problems in the world today. We have all felt the power that music has in controlling our mood. His motto: “Accept each day with gratitude, make the most of it, and we can do the best we can for ourselves, as well as those around us to uplift and inspire. Being careful to dwell in the positive and expect great results, one must realize some things aren’t as serious as we think they are. Enjoy life EVERYDAY!” Now that’s “Kickin’ It!

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