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Patrick Ames – Reawakened 2020

December 22, 2021

New music video from The Virtualistics by Patrick Ames.
Video by BlueCafe Music
Track Produced by Jon Ireson.
Featuring Chana Matthews and Mikaela Matthews

In short I wrote Reawakened 2020 as a reaction to Trump’s inaugural and I wrote Help People Up in reaction to Biden’s inaugural, explaining the bookends nature of the two songs, and all the songs inbetween them. Reawakened was a call to action, a shout out that the good inside us must come out and that we must help each other. The original song was on the Four Faces EP and a highlight, and I wanted to reamplify the sound, crank up the output, and put in a professional bassist (Jon) instead of my feeble attempts on the boards (I am not a bassist). I wanted it modernized and to amp up the cresendo in the last minute and a half. I wanted to make it a “2020” version, and get those reawoken lyrics back out there with a successful and creative producer.

Jon Ireson’s “Reawakened 2020” hits every brain dopamine receptor there is! Jon Ireson kept the core song exactly as it was recorded, including myself and Chana and Mikaela’s voices, and the parts of the score such as the piano (which is actually my MIDI guitar synth). But Jon did the bass and some other instruments and wove them together on this new track. He remixed the whole thing and then remastered it all into the new “Reawakened 2020”. It’s a fitting end to the LP The Virtualistics and a wrap-up to Help People Up. Are you reawoke?

FYI: Just before the 2:00 minute mark, you can hear Finnegan, the cat, shakes his collar bell. And Jon amped that up, too!)

Reawakened 2020
© 2020 by Patrick Ames. All rights reserved.

The force of good it has been reawakened
The Force of good it has been it’s been reawakened
The hour has come for the power of belief
That the good in us all /is about to be released
The force of good has been reawakened

Don’t be fooled by the lies in the tweets
Don’t be cajoled by politicians on TV
Don’t be silent about dividing families
Because the good in us all / is about to be released

Reawakended, reawakened, reawakened
The force of good it has been reawakened

Don’t be shy about your equality
Don’t be quiet when they fence in the free
Don’t be violent when they interrupt the peace
Because the good in us all / is about to be released

Reawakended, reawakened, reawakened
The force of good it has been reawakened

The hour has come for the power of belief
That the good in us all / is about to be released
The hour has come for the power of belief
That the good in us all / is about to be released
The force of good it has been reawakened
The Force of good it has been reawakened
Are you reawoke?

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