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Crowdfunding for musicians – How to succeed in crowdfunding as a musician?

Crowdfunding for musicians – How to succeed in crowdfunding as a musician?

Harsh Verma No Comments

Crowdfunding for musicians is a collective approach to get funds for your music video project. As a musician, crowdfunding could come as a great assistance to fuel up your career.

The music industry is competitive, and to survive and thrive with time, you need proper financial support. Be it music video recording or music promotion, every step requires a reasonable budget.

As a newcomer in the industry, you might have faced a severe budget allocation problem. Thus, you could use crowdfunding as a source to fund your new music video campaign.

What is Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding is getting a small financial aid from a large audience base(typically, your fans) to fund your marketing campaigns.

Crowdfunding is significant financial assistance and prevents you from the trap of loans or record labels, and you could even thrive as a solo musician.

It is a collective effort from people of your group, like family, friends, fans, or some investors who want to donate to your music and streamline the fundraising approach.

Is Crowdfunding a good choice for you?

Crowdfunding gets you instant and streamlined financial support. Also, it helps you validate whether your fanbase would like the genre or the style of the music you are trying to produce.

It could also help you maintain a good connection with people in your network. Also, when you prepare your crowdfunding campaign, you get to understand a lot of insights like the addressable market(for your ad campaigns) and value proposition.

Once you know more about your business model of music selling, you could alter and innovate the product and campaigns for the betterment’s sake.

Here are the tips on how you should plan a succesful crowdfunding music campaign

Have a clear objective behind the crowdfunding campaign:

People donate money to your music video promotion. And, they could only be transparent with this donation process if they know how you are going to use their money.

Also, for you to judge the success or failure of the campaign, you need to have a clear goal that must be realistic. This hardheaded aim would also help you understand how far you have come in your professional journey with the aid of crowdfunding.

Promote your crowdfunding campaign among your fans:

The crowdfunding campaign could only be successful if people who support you know about it. It is an arduous task to persuade people to donate money who don’t know or support you.

Thus, it becomes crucial for you to inform your fans and supporters about your crowdfunding campaign. You could yell at your social media pages so that the deafest ears also know about your mission. Use all kinds of social platforms to let your message be heard. It would be a great move if you could persuade your fans to share your message ahead.

Communicate appropriately about the project and be honest with your story:

People invest money in any project or campaign, mainly if they have a personal or emotional touch with it. You could win over your audience by communicating properly about the vision and goals that you aspire to achieve with the required amount. Always try to be honest with your people.

Also, it shouldn’t be awkward for you to share your vision and plans with people. If your thought process resonates with the second person, then the chances of you getting funded increase dramatically. Always be open and transparent on how you are going to spend every single penny. 

You could also provide the funders with a reward. You could offer them free access to your music or merchandise for their incentive. It would be best if you were keen to analyze that you only promise the things you could efficiently deliver.

Keep in touch with your loyal audience and appreciate them for their aid:

Crowdfunding would help you segment out the most loyal fans who love you wholeheartedly. It is a blessing to get a fanbase who loves you to the extent that they spend money for your success. You could use the funds to promote yourself on social paid campaigns.

You should always keep in touch with an audience base like this. They are the founding blocks of your future-awaiting successful career. You could use email automation tools to mail them thanksgiving messages and constantly communicate with them to keep them secure for the long run.

Also, ask your friends and family to donate as well. Every drop counts in making an ocean.

Which platforms could be the best crowdfunding platform for musicians campaign?

Below are the best crowdfunding sites you can use as a musician to raise funds for your music campaigns


Kickstarter could be an excellent platform for you to begin your campaign. Your campaigns could get a lot of eyeballs organically from people who scroll on this platform. Also, the fundraising periods are pretty short, and it is free unless you meet your goals.


Patreon could also be a great option for crowdfunding. You could create personalized tiers depending on the range the person contributes. You also have an opportunity to provide exclusivity in exchange for membership.


The projects on Artistshare are adequately reviewed before they are out for people to fund. This filter could help you analyze how well you have organized your project and how successful it could turn out to be. Artistshare is one of the first crowdfunding platforms as well.


When we talk about crowdfunding for musicians, this could be a great option to gear up your music video campaigns. It could also help you segment out who your most loyal fans are. To succeed in your fundraising campaign, try to give rewards to those who fund your project.

Be honest and authentic with people. Also, promote your crowdfunding campaign on all of your social media platforms so that more people know about the mission. Properly communicate about your vision and the steps you would take to make your music video a huge success. Also, once you succeed in your crowdfunding approach, thanks to all the people for their support. This way, you could add your loyal fans to the mainstream.