The most anticipated gospel hit is now out for you all!
Evang, Uchechi Chris is popularly known as MOG- The Man Of God; full of God’s prophetic word and vision. His musical talent became eminent as he released his powerful debut album- Incredible Praise in 2015 which went on high demand and viral and greatly impacted the lives of listeners and fans with such hit tracks as “Odogwu na’aga ka ibu” and “Show the devil nkari”.
At this point we are pleased to present to you the long-awaited hot single- “The Lord is my shepherd” by Evang. Uchechi Chris Onyema (MOG).
Evang. Uchechi Chris Onyema is an anointed Man Of God with God’s prophetic words of holiness and revival message and above all great love for gospel music. He is also the founder and GO of GKVGM with Its headquarters in Finland but outreaching globally and positively. God has used His prophet MOG through his music to touch many lives and deliver many oppressed.
Listen and connect to this wonderful track- “The Lord is my shepherd”, and ‘lo’ you shall never ever lack in your needs again.
However, this track was produced mixed and mastered in Finland by the sophisticated works of Calebin (Clab studios), and directed by Don Jazzye d’Divine.
Download below and take a listen.🎧
[easy_media_download url=”″ text=” Download” width=”200″ height=”50″ force_dl=”1″]
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